list of recordings
empathic anaylsing
service users list

Mobile app

You can add up to three non-verbal users and share Empathic with up to 20 Companion users, free of charge. A Companion user can be a teacher, carer, family member or anyone who interacts with the non-verbal person. They can check the emotions of the non-verbal person and view the archived recordings. You will see the recordings each Companion user makes and they will see your recordings also.

To add a Companion simply ask them to download Empathic app without charge. As an account holder you can make Empathic even more accurate by tapping Discard, Accept or Edit after each recording; this helps the artificial intelligence to learn.

Companions can check the emotions of the non-verbal person but they cannot add users or see the ‘Discard”, “Accept” and “Edit” buttons that train the Artificial Intelligence. Before you invite someone to become a Companion user please ask them to download Empathic app; this is free of charge.

Cost: €9.99 per month

Apple app store
Google Play Store

You can try Empathic for seven days without charge

Your subscription will automatically renew each month. It is easy to pause or cancel your subscription before your monthly renewal date. There are no hidden costs and we will not tie you into any unreasonable terms or conditions.


Please remember

Empathic app has been developed for non-verbal people. If you test the app with fluent speech, it may not display an accurate interpretation. This is because fluent language has a different structure from non-verbal vocal emotional expressions.

empathic anaylsing
service users list


These short videos will help you to set up and use Empathic app.

How to download and register Empathic

How to add a service user

How to add a companion

How to become a companion


Working with Primary Carers

The seamlessCARE team has worked with primary carers in families, schools, home care and health care at every stage of development. We listened to your ideas, gathered data in your homes and tested every version of this app. We understand the importance of your feedback so please let us know your thoughts: